Monday, 27 June 2011


Wolfram|Alpha: "

Forget Google, forget Yahoo! and forget any other search engine, Wolfram Aplha will provide you the data and information like never before. It is like a combination of a search engine, research library and a graphic calculator. The engine is finally publically published this week after a month of beta testing (for developers). The engine is powered by the 66th fastest supercomputer in the world. To know more be sure to read this.

You can literally put anything in its search bar and it will find and show you the information that will WOW you. And let me remind you again, that this is not going be like your regular searching experience. Here are some examples:

Keywords: H1N1

Result: It shows the current statistics about the H1N1 around the world and also in the States. It also provides the day-by-day data of cases and deaths from the Influenza A (H1N1)


Keywords: Weather in Rochester 2009

Result: Wolfram Alpha delivers the data meaningfully with statistics like the average temperature for this year, its humidity and wind speeds. What I like the most is that it also shows us a nice graph of the temperature thought out the year with highest and lowest temperature were highlighted.

roc 2009

Keywords: Integral sec^3x

Result: Calculating the integral of secant-cubed x dx was a thorny calculus problem seared into my brain during high school. Wolfram Alpha, unlike me, hasn't forgotten how to perform the calculation.



Result: Can you believe that? It can actually crack this information in seconds! I just keyed in the sequence but Wolfram can match it complete with the amino acid sequence, which turns out to be part of LOC439949 gene at position 6753662 of the human chromosome 10!!


And for the record, this is what Google search result looks like for the same keywords:


Above are some of the keywords that I’ve tried myself while playing with the Wolfram Alpha search engine. The results really surprised me and maybe you will too. Give it a try and maybe you can solve some of the questions for your final next week =p

ps: If you really love this website, be sure to try these downloadable widgets for all OS platforms and web browsers.

Wolfram Alpha. Computational Knowledge Engine”



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