Monday, 27 June 2011

Android vs. Apple (Part One)


Baseball, Apple (Cupertino’s slice of the pie) and Chevrolet. Three staples in America symbolizing long held traditions entrenched in our nation’s culture. Two of the three have endured some turbulence over the years, from “Juicing”, to an outright government takeover, while the other has reaped tremendous profits from seeds sown long ago.

As with everything in life, times are forever changing and with such a frantic pace, if you’re not trying to board the next plane while mid-flight, you simply won’t stand a chance of remaining competitive in a here today, gone tomorrow world.

Finally someone smarter than I in Cupertino is beginning to take notice of a very large fish in what is becoming a very small pool of water. That mechanical fish, better known as Android, is in the midst of a feeding frenzy with an appetite for destruction. I was beginning to wonder, knowing full well I’m certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed, but even so, I don’t need a pair of Google Goggles to see the writing on the wall.

All that closed source nonsense that Apple is so arrogantly the proprietor of has taken note of open source Android and its ever growing market share. A direct reflection of the freedom and lack of constraints it ceases to impose is in stark opposition to Apple’s current policies.

Apple is slowly opening its doors in various ways showing signs of an adaptive nature, and taking on the idiom, “If you can’t beat them, then join them.” Apple is to Android what Ali was to Frazier, Arnold Palmer to Jack Nicklaus, Bjorn Borg to John McEnroe. Rivalries forever etched in our minds, pushing one another to the breaking point while giving us timeless memories in their unbelievable achievements.

The tech industry is in the middle of one of these epic battles, pitting the two behemoths against one another in an arena that is filled with satiated techies. As these two confront one another mano a mano, laying all their efforts, advancements, and engineering wonders on the line, we are left speculating as to who will be the last Titan standing.

The crazy thing is, these two are battling it out for us! Yes us, the consumer! Sure their pockets are being lined with more cash than Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have in their personal piggy banks, but look at what we are getting in return. Upper echelon smartphones and tablets that were once only affordable for the Sultan of Brunei, are now available to the masses.

We have Apple, the Pioneers and Trailblazers of our time to thank for products such as the iPod, iPad, and the iPhone. Without their innovation we quite possibly might not even have an Android. In the same breath, we have Google to thank for having the moxie to stand up fearlessly to a formidable opponent giving life to Android enabling it to reach new plateaus that are seemingly out of anyone’s grasp. It’s time for Apple to move over, there is a new Big Man on Campus and they are showing the former champ how to get it done.


Part Two: Evidence

Source: AndroidSPIN


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